Sri Lanka
There is so much to say about Sri Lanka. The land of exotic gemstones, fabulous cuisine, stunning beaches and forests and the some of the most kind and welcoming people I have ever met. Formerly Ceylon (pre 1970’s), a name I like to use when referring to the sapphires I source from there. Ceylon sapphires are particulary famous for their vibrant mid and pale blue hues. My first encounter with these stones during the trip was in the city of Galle. Around the Fortress there are a few stone dealers. In hindsight it was a little touristy, the prices were high and I came away with only a few tiny gemstones. It was so much fun nonetheless to visit, talk with the locals and browse their stock.
It wasn’t until later on in the trip when I met a woman at a B&B on Talalla Beach who also happened to own a jewellery business. She was fascinating, travelling all over the East hunting for gemstones. Her and I shared pictures of the things we had made and she kindly pointed in the right direction of the trade suppliers on the island which she knew.
Padparadscha Sapphire
~A way to describe the colours of a tropical lotus flower in ancient Sinhalese.
This is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. A beautiful pinky/orange tone defines a padparadscha and they are certainly one of the most beautiful bi-coloured stones I have seen.
More on Padparadscha sapphires soon…
Stones from my first visit in Galle
Ceylon Interiors